4 BLOGS: 4 Ways to See

Activating the power of us

RePlacing Vital Connections

“Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world … we have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life.” Edward O. Wilson

Re-grounding in PLACE

“If we close our eyes, take a deep breath, and summon meaningful memories, we quickly notice that they are tied to a specific place.” Sarah Robinson, Nesting: Body, Dwelling, Mind

Digital Displacement Requires PLACE

“These are connected places and communities in which short networks generate and regenerate the local social and economic fabric, while long ones connect those particular places and their resident communities with the rest of the world.” Enzio Manzini

Revaluing PLACE

“In the fusion of place and soul, the soul is as much a container of place as place a container of soul, and both are susceptible to the same forces of destruction.” Robert Pogue Harrison